Sandra Jefferson
Sandra Jefferson. User/Client Support Specialist. Gives practical advice to beginners, reviews and recommends the most reliable brokerage companies, exchanges and crypto wallets.
User/Client Support Specialist at Österreichische Volksbanken AG. Studied Marketing sociologist with Viện Đại học Harvard.
User/Client Support Specialist at Österreichische Volksbanken AG. Studied Marketing sociologist with Viện Đại học Harvard.
Lives in Salzburg, Austria.
Hobbies: stocks, forex, trading, volleyball, chess.
Sandra moved to the United States years ago to study marketing and related disciplines. She came back to Austria and continued her studies and research to learn customer behavior in-depth. She currently works as a User/Client Support Specialist at Österreichische Volksbanken AG. That is not her only activity. Sandra is also an active Forex trader and crypto investor.
Thanks to her degree and educational background, Sandra knows different groups of consumers and what they need and want. Thus, she is sure that everyone should try trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. She is ready to provide beginners with a piece of advice, recommending the most reliable brokerages, exchanges, and crypto wallets. She keeps an eye on all the new and outdated digital assets and writes relevant posts in her social networks to assist people with diversifying their investment portfolios safely. As Sandra has already grown her capital solidly, she has enough tips and tricks to share with her followers and readers of her articles. By following them, it’s possible to avoid common mistakes and choose the right assets and investment & trading platforms.